Youth Mental Health Screening

We are recruiting participants for mental health prevention and treatment programs. We offer free assessments of your mental health symptoms to determine eligibility to participate in current and future studies in our department. Participating in other studies is completely voluntary.

Who can participate?

If you are 12 to 25 years old and are experiencing recent changes in thinking or mood, such as:

  • Having unusual thoughts

  • Seeing or hearing things that other’s can’t

Are you puzzled by these changes and looking for explanations?

At no cost, you will receive:

  • a 2-hour clinical interview (via Telehealth) with a trained clinician,

  • a set of self-report questionnaires,

  • clinical feedback from the clinician, and

  • $30 compensation for participating in the interview.

Currently scheduling: 1-2 weeks from today

We want to better understand how psychiatric symptoms develop, and identify targets and treatment for early intervention.